影视评论 (发表你的态度!)
2024-11-21 04:33
“为什么 你会拼了命来保护我?” - “喜欢你” 太感动了吧😭呜呜呜 柯南告白和滑滑板都帅呆了!这次的案件逻辑设计什么的都很棒 这次没有猜出来 故事情节完整 节奏也紧凑 倒数十秒等喷泉也真的是超棒 对小哀也有种莫名的好感(˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵)好好看
2024-11-21 04:57
不知所云。 -20150107 看小说的时候就在脑补画面. 必须精致的把握背景 人物 内心情感 才能够把画面完整补充。 去搜了电影出来,快进看了几分钟 那些我脑补的画面都拍得很干 画面的色调非常暗,并且不知为何有那么多的四川话 原来以前看过这部片子给了一星,不改
2024-11-22 01:50
Scorsesian themes & Hitchcockian drama in typical De Palma style. If Carlito’s way is considered as one the greatest classics of gangster movies, it’s deservedly so. The movie is bolstered by an overpowered cast & larger-than-life performances fleshing out fantastic characters. Among them, Sean Penn steals the show with an impressive portrait of a high-profile shyster turning into a Pesci-esque gangster. The script doesn’t reinvent the wheel: a crack-pusher comes out of the can, unsuccessfully tries to retire, can’t be saved by love, ends up lying on a stretcher. But it’s the perfection of the execution and the director’s signature that make for a succulent feast. Welcome to Vice City.
2024-11-22 12:57