影视评论 (发表你的态度!)
【3.5星】 1、本来以为兄弟之中哥哥是主角,结果傻笨的弟弟是主角 2、王童的电影都是喜欢从1948年附近开始,然后国民党退居台湾,接着主要讲主角在台湾的故事。而且总喜欢把台湾与香蕉🍌联系起来,而且讲的故事基本上都涉及3代人以上,聚焦的主角都看似是普通人,实际上呢都与军、官有关 3、在台湾那个时代,只有疯傻才能活下去,哥哥不傻,所以被搞疯了,弟弟傻,因此逃过一劫。见微知著,以点带面,台湾那个年代肯定是比较黑暗的 4、哥哥在田埂上喝着酒,唱着战争时的歌曲,哥哥身体好、肌肉💪多,身体一看就非常健康,结果却浑浑噩噩、不干正事,这可能是台湾很多士兵的状态。突然没法打仗了,士兵没法适应平淡如水的生活,因而非常烦躁,精力无处发泄 5、傻子的老婆真是好看又能干,没想到她也不是正主,都是战争
2024-11-23 11:32
I was expecting something properly controversial here with all that fuss, instead I saw the safest, perhaps most unoriginal way of making fun of the Nazis. Scarlett Johansson's character, with a perception that's clearly modern and new, is completely out of place. The entire Nazi environment depicted in the film was made up purely of the writer's tabloid, superficial (mis)understandings of Nazism. Filled with hackneyed symbolism and plain kitsch, there's absolutely nothing bold or adventurous in this film (the only 'good' nazi has to be a gay, how surprising). Anyone who says this film works against political correctness doesn't know the first thing about contemporary politics.
2024-11-23 01:42